Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Good news first...

A great dream about work (yes, work!) was followed by an alarmingly violent dream. One of those that I wake from calm, but looking up at the ceiling in a dead stare wondering what the hell is wrong with my subconscious. We'll start with the good one.

Me and several of my co-workers were doing a product presention to a classroom full of people. Literally, it was classroom. Now we're in sales, so we're always doing sales pitches, presentations, and product demos. To this many people though, rarely. With that many people on our side, never. Just as we were getting introduced by the meeting emcee a lady spoke up. She had power and we'd met with her before, but she suddenly didn't want us there and didn't want anything to do with our products. She kicked us out of the room! We were dumbfounded. Here we were all prepared and raring to go and she kicks us out. The entire room followed because, apparently, she was too powerful or too much of a bitch for any to go against. As my co-workers filed out of the room I tried to reason with her. I explained to her that we'd discussed this entire presentation before and she'd agreed to give us the floor. I insisted it was very unprofessional, no downright inappropriate for her to gather her entire group for a presentation then dismiss the presenters. She was sympathetic to my case and agreed to let us move forward with our presentation. Once she let up, one of her counterparts agreed, announced the room that we would be moving forward, and invited us back in. I went out into the hall (remember this is a classroom so where else would we have been dismissed to but the hallway) and let everyone know I'd calmed her down and we could go ahead with our schpeel.

Me to the rescue! We went ahead with the presentation and knocked their socks off. It was interactive, animated, and informative. Everything any businessperson hopes a sales pitch will be. The audience ate it up. Throughout the presentation the pride I took in saving the day endowed me with a phsyically good feeling. It was clearly the best work dream ever. It was a peak then came the valley....

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