Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Blogs Can be Foreboding

Maybe I shouldn't have shared this information with the world. Maybe I shouldn't have titled this "I Don't Dream". Maybe I should have kept this to myself. Maybe my subconscious didn't realize that this is just my effort to help others categorize and understand the messages of their own minds. Whatever the cause, I have virtually stopped dreaming.

Shortly after starting this blog my dreams completely stopped. At first I thought it was because my grandmother fell ill. I thought it may have been the stress that caused my nightful mind to shut down. But then she got well, made pretty much a full recovery (thank you Jesus). Still, the dreams wouldn't come. Occasionally, I'd have a vague memory of some thoughts. Barely even a whisper of the dreams that usually shout through my mind in the night. Finally I decided it must be this. It must be the way in which I've put my dreams on display. Sharing with the world the very private things that my unconscious mind selectively chooses to share with me.

I thought of publishing my dreams differently. Maybe with less detail, or with more of a guiding tone instead of the stories that they play out as for me. But I'm actually afraid. I'm afraid that if I don't agree with myself to stop this right now I may never dream the same again. I can't risk that. My dreams...are my life. I go to sleep at night exciting for the next story that plays out in mind. Anxious to see what I'm trying to tell me. I've finally started to get back to the vivid dreams of weeks past. I can't risk messing that up.

So I will bid this blog adieu. I encourage you to seek meaning in your dreams. Pay special attention to recurring themes, people, situations, places, things. Hold them in your mind and look them up to see what they may mean. Dreams can open up new doors to the inner sanctum of the unconscious mind. They can guide you in life and make sense of things otherwise lost to us.

I thank you for reading and hope we can meet again soon.